
A few days ago i was sat at the window in subway staring out into the street when it occurred to me at how bland most people dress. Almost everyone will be in clothes that consist of greys, browns and blues. You really don't see that many people in bright and bold colours. It may be their personal taste or simply because they don't want to stand out like a sore thumb.
Its the same with most environments we live in. Looking down a street all you will see are tones of grey and brown, maybe a hint of orange or yellow. I guess it means everything looks consistant and not having buildings that look outrageous. Then again, that would make a trip to the shop more interesting.
Now that games are becoming more realistic the same is happening to most first person shooters. Games like Killzone 2 and the CoD:MW series. In Killzone 2 you can't even make out what's going on half the time because its so bloody dark. At least the recent release of Battlefield Bad Company 2 has given hope, the jungle maps are very pleasing to look at, full of vibrant colours.

This game is great by the way, if you are a fan of modern shooters then you'll love it. It's always satisfying taking out a sniper by bring down the entire building he is camping in.

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