Character Design

It's always a challenge to create a decent, original character nowadays. Personally, i dont enjoy it that much and therefore struggle more than most people when it comes to the interesting character projects. Anyway, more and more games are becoming more realistic each year and so are the characters, at least in most games. Some are quite simply ridiculous. The main culprit for such crazy characters are generally beat em ups, which tend to consist of guys with muscles bigger than their heads and women with oversized breasts and some pieces of cloth or leather as an excuse for an outfit. Soul Calibur 4 thrives in this area of 'art' for example:

I guess some people who have never seen a woman in real life may find that attractive. Even Realistic games such as Resident Evil 5 go wrong sometimes:

Hurr, my arms are bigger than my entire head. It must be a struggle to find tops that don't rip every time to put them on. Luckily there are some game developers out their who know how to create decent, realistic game characters. The main one that pops into my head is Valve, with Half Life 2. Take Alyx Vance for example:

Nothing over the top, just someone who you would expect to see in real life, unlike the woman above. I suspect one of the main reason Half Life has such good characters is the fact that a lot of them are based on real life people, not made up. The link below shows some examples:
If anyone asks you, i can't seem to make a decent character, building or vehicle, just tell them that all the inspiration you need it right outside.


Priya said...

Definately agree with your point on Soul Calibur 4. Don't think there's one female in that game with good coverage of clothes, quite worrying :S
I like the surviving characters in Left 4 Dead by Valve. They are people you would see in real life :)

Chenz said...

Haha, I do like Chris but man, his arms do scare me.

Michael Powell said...

real good post this one.

Add Mona Sax (MP2)and Cate Archer (NOLF and NOLF2) to the list of well-designed, believable characters.