Creativity Take 2

Right, Creativity again. Personally my views on it haven’t changed a great deal, but recently I’ve been thinking about a video we were shown in a lecture. It is a speech from Ken Robinson, you can watch it here:
On part that really caught my attention was when he mentions that everybody is born with creativity, its just people loose it when going through education. Think about it, you are forced to do subjects such as Maths, Science and English, no matter how good you are at it. It is only until your 4th year at secondary school where you get to choose 3 subjects to do, along with English, Science and Maths. Also, creativity can come in a variety of forms such as dance and music, not just art. During education, children who are talented in dance for example, are taken away from the creativity due to being forced to study maths and science, therefore their talent is not put to use.
The other things are mistakes. Nowadays, mistakes are generally the worst things you can do in you're average job. This also applies to education for example, maths you are either right or wrong. This is the complete opposite to any form of art, in art you can never be wrong, it is just a different style or approach to a subject. This is what hurts children’s creativity early one, they begin to think that if their work is not exactly the same as an example then it will be wrong, and therefore think that they aren’t good enough and stick to the usual subjects like maths. A lot of talent and creativity is lost and not put to use because of this thought process.
This pretty much my thoughts on this subject, for now...

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