The GDC is a pretty big event that happens each year, consisting of conferences from visual art to management. I was having a look around the website and found some things that i would love to attend. One that stood out to me was the conference about how the landscapes in Farcry 2 were created. I've always been really interesting in level design; I’ve even made a few maps for Team Fortress 2, one of which is being used in a league soon.
Anyway, I’ve always wondered what process is used to create such vast landscapes such as the 50 square km world in Farcry 2. It must be almost impossible to create it in 3ds max. I can’t even image what it would be like to texture. I guess the same situation applies for a lot of rpg/adventure games such as oblivion and fallout 3, even though fallout 3 probably on had one texture, just grey and gritty.
I remember many years ago using a world editor for Command and Conquer Generals, you could deform the ground with a simple up and down tool, with different settings. I should imagine something similar could be used for Farcry, although a lot more time and effort would be needed, as the player is on the ground, not flying above it.
I reckon I would find this conference really interesting as level design is my favourite area of games and I would love to learn the techniques used.

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